Okay, so let's get real!
Break ups and NEVER easy! But I am here to tell you that you will indeed survive. You may not like it, you may be like me and cry your broken heart in to a pint of Ben and Jerry's or like some people and not eat at all. This is okay, this is normal. It is okay to feel hurt and mourn a severed relationship. It ISN'T however okay to go into a depression about it. Come on y'all, it's a BREAK UP.....not the end of your life. Like I have said on Real World "A boy is NOT your be all, end all" and if it is you may need to get on your knees now and start praying! But Hey!! That is EXACTLY what I did!
You guys know about my promise ring, yea well that was the very thing I needed. An extravagant, radical gesture to God for leaving my old life behind me. Death to the old way of doing things. The life that was empty and looking for love in all the wrong places. The life that made a boy my be all, end all, my self worth, the only way I felt beautiful, blah, blah, blah! Pathetic right? Ehhhhh kinda but we all do it. Thankfully I am here to tell you ahead of time DON'T!!!!!
Get on Amazon right now and purchase " Dating Declassified" By Jeanne Mayo
then read it, enjoy it and be happy!
Okay, okay. I know it isn't THAT simple but here's a few helpful things to do to get over a break up. But if you aren't serious about getting over it, yes you, the one who just text your ex heyy or imy (you shouldn't still have his digits ANYWAYS!!!).
Tip 1: Delete the boys number, you don't need it! He is old news and his number is worthless!
(this goes for all photos social media sites too! Keek, instagram, twitter, ect; quit stalking him!!!!)
Tip 2: Stay Busy! If you're always busy you're working on you and don't have too much time to let your mind wander. Take up a new hobby, (dating a rebound isn't a new hobby!) Join a book club, rec sport or even go to church!
Tip 3: My fav! QUIT TALKING ABOUT HIM!!! Pretend that he is dead, you can mourn a death easier than a break up. Sounds crazy right?? Maybe a little but so is staying cooped up in your house like a hermit for weeks, boo-hooing in to a pint of ben and jerry's for weeks on end and not showering!
Okay my point, you can't call, text, drunk text, photo message, snap chat, vine , keek a dead person. You can miss them, mourn them and move on.
An EX is and EX for a reason. An EXample of a huge mistake!!
You're welcome my Princesses and DON'T settle for less because you are lonely. Better to be alone than to be with someone you're not that in to!