On days you lift heavy eat carbs, on days that you do intervals or rest days eat low carb.
Still confused??
Well a high carb day could look something like this:
or This:
Add fruit like berries to your diet on high carb days as well!
Just ask yourself when you sit down for a meal, is it a high carb or low carb day, then eat accordingly.
A low carb day could look like this:
Or this
You see people try and make things wayyyyy too complicated. You get overwhelmed and give up because the hopelessness festers and you're brain starts to hurt from over-thinking. Well that just isn't necessary!
Sunday - Low Carb (Rest Day)
Monday- High Carb (Leg day/Crossfit boot camp)
Tuesday- Low Carb (Sprint intervals)
Wednesday -Low Carb (Crossfit boot camp)
Thursday - High Carb (Upper body)
Friday - Low Carb (cardio
Saturday- High Carb (lower body/crossfit booy camp)
Repeat, or adjust your meals to your already existing program, this is just what I do!
There is a lot of science behind it if you're a "why?" person like me just google carb cycling or pick up a book about it over on amazon.com it's pretty interesting stuff!
Hope this helped yall out a little!
No Excuses, No Shortcuts!