Sunday, January 12, 2014

I do it for me...what do you do you for?

As you all know daily life can get pretty hectic, doesn't matter if you're a mom, dad, student, or just a hard worker! WE get stresses out, worn out and beaten down by daily life.

This report is due, the baby kept you up all night, your boss is breathing down your neck about an important project or the kids have to be at's always something right?

Or maybe your personal life is a mess, you're hopelessly single, married, or in a long term relationship that you devote most of your attention to?

Well forget all that, I want to know what you do for you!!

Because let's face it, if we don't take care of ourselves how can we take care of anything else in our lives?

Here is a list of things that I do for me to help me take care of #1, ME!

1. Take a bath.

After a long day of work, school and being in the spotlight with all the social stress, deadlines and what not I enjoy a nice candle lit bath and some music on my ipad.

2. Meal prep.

I meal prep for my family and I all alone in the kitchen and listen to soothing music and even dance a little if I feel like it!

3. Crossfit.

I've recently taken an interest in crossfit for ME, yes me! Crossfit helps me feel strong and empowered. It's my hour away from the world, no phone, no computer, no work and no boys! I get that one hour to push my body to the limit and grow.

After doing these things I feel so relaxed, accomplished and empowered. So email me and let me and others alike know, what do YOU do for YOU?

How do you keep balanced in the madness of everyday life? Email me at:, include your short story as well as a photo.

I do it for me......

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